Once their was a little boy who lived upon a lonely mountain. Often he wondered, as one often does, why he was placed there. His only company was that lonesome eagle that flew above the house every night when the moon was highest. One night the little boy called out to the eagle, “What do you see?”. The eagle replied “I see a forest to the left, a desert to the right,a ocean straight ahead and a frozen tundra behind us.” Curiously the little boy’s. Response was “How can you tell the directions?”. The eagle replied once more “The stars and the moon guide my eyes.” It took him a moment but then the boy asked “Well what direction is home?”.
The eagle soared for a minute then said “Home has always been right here.” From then on the eagle and the boy shared the hours and the days together neither of them ever knew, why they were put there or if there were others below the mountain top they know however they had discovered happiness in each other’s companies and thus made a home.
In a castle in a sky a lot of curious things can happen. Pigs can fly, apples taste like oranges and a lonely mysterious old woman can create gigantic serpents to keep her company. Daily they would soar through the clouds and above kingdoms and everyone adored the flying serpent. At Night they cuddled for warmth. He was gifted and fed best meat of the kingdoms. Oh how fortunate it was to have such a loving creator the serpent felt. She grew fond of his company and desired more so she created an Eagle proud and large, its wings could block out the sun and its talons take down mountains. Then she made a boy, Curly haired and bright eyed she grew to adore him with her whole heart. The boy feared the serpent and often decided to spend his time on the back of eagle instead. Day in and day out the serpent saw it’s affection waning and soon enough he felt like a mere afterthought. As the trio would go about enjoying the castle and the lands below without him. Even the villagers were no longer amazed and the gifts stopped. They much rather gather on the back of the eagle and take to the skies. Even its creator had seem to enjoy the plush plumage atop the eagle’s back more thank the hard scales. One night angry and alone the serpent cried out “Why have you forsaken me, was it not you who created me like this and now you cast me aside for another.” In anger it attacked the eagle and boy for taking the one person that gave it a love worth living for. She had created the serpent and knew the only way to end it would be death and she could bear to destroy him so she left him destroy himself. For ages the eagle and serpent fought the same battle . With each death leading to a rebirth at the hands of their creator. She had grown weak and weary after using so much of her power. So she hid them this time and took their memory so they would not seek each other out. But the serpents eternal love was now eternal hate and he remembered. Now he found his nemesis. The battle would begin after all and nothing promised to be the same this time.
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